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A compilation of activity ideas for Recreation Therapists to implement in a variety of treatment facilities. Enjoy!!
Friday, June 28, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Personal Coat of Arms
Heidi Bolster, CTRS created this activity for an art therapy group at our facility.
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Copies of blank “coat of Arms” paper
Markers, colored pencils, crayons
Examples of coat of arms for reference and ideas
To get patients thinking about what things
represent who they are
What is most important to the patient?
To even get patients thinking about their
history, their family, and their legacy
Show examples of various coat of arms and ask
patients what the coat of arms are/were for in the past?
Ask patients about the symbols in the coat of arms
and the meanings behind the symbols.
Discuss with patients how people have used
symbols throughout history to represent who they are, where they are from, and
what their ambitions are in life.
Talk to patient about what things they might
include in their own coat of arms.
Talk about what symbols might represent those
Allow patients to begin working on their
personal coat of arms.
Process what the patients included in their coat
of arms and why
Talk about the benefit of knowing what you stand
for and matters most to you in this life
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Anchor Art
Here's an activity I created last week for a lower functioning, geriatric art therapy group.
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Talk about the importance and functions of anchors. Give patients a copy of an anchor like the one above. Have patients decorate the anchor. Talk about the importance of support systems and ways that our support system can help us overcome difficulties in life. Instruct patients to write down the names of people in their support system and specific ways they can be helped. Have patients share their anchors. Talk about how patients can communicate their needs to their support system to get the help they need.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Starry Starry Night
Here's another art therapy idea submitted by Heidi Bolster, CTRS. We use this at our facility and they turn out so cool!!
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Give each
patient a half a sheet of black paper and a pack of oil pastels. Show them Van Gogh’s Starry
Night painting and talk about the history of the painting. Discuss with
patients the following discussion questions. Give Pt. time to complete their
artwork, and process what they included in their picture.
Van Gogh
painted this during a difficult time in his life. For hope and inspiration he
looked to the stars. What do you look to for help in difficult times? What is
helping you in your current situation? –Talk about the symbolism of the color
on the black paper and relate the color they choose to their hope and
inspiration during a dark time.
Note for the CTRS:
As the Pt.
completes their pastel have them think about these questions and allow them to
add pictures, symbols, or words to their starry night to represent the things
that give them hope.
History of the Painting:
In September
1888, before his December breakdown that resulted in his hospitalization in
Arles, he painted Starry Night Over the Rhone. Van Gogh wrote about this
"... it
does me good to do what’s difficult. That doesn’t stop me having a tremendous
need for, shall I say the word – for religion – so I go outside at night to
paint the stars.'"
The painting
depicts the view outside his sanitarium room window at Saint-Rémy-de-Provence
(located in southern France) at night, although it was painted from memory
during the day.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Dimensions of Health Analysis
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Review the 6 Dimensions of Health with patients. Talk about each
area and how we can achieve health in each area.
Give each patient a copy
of the worksheet entitled “Dimensions of Health.” Have them write down different activities
they do each day that contribute to health and wellness in each category.
Discuss the lists with the
group. Consider the following questions:
What specific ways
do you maintain physical health? Emotional health? Spritual health? Etc.
Which dimension is
most healthy for you?
In which dimension
are you the least healthy?
How can you improve
wellness in the environmental dimension? Social dimension? Etc.
How is each area
connected to another dimension (for example, how does emotional health relate
to physical health or mental health to environmental health?
Conclude by having
patients set specific goals to improve one or more dimensions of health.
**This activity could also be done in conjunction with
the Leisure Time Clocks activity. If so,
have patients separate the items they listed on their clocks into the
Dimensions of Health Worksheet, and analyze these.**
Friday, June 21, 2013
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Mountains and Valleys (Low Functioning)
Here's a version of the Mountains and Valleys activity that Heidi Bolster, CTRS, adapted to a lower functioning population.
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This activity is to assist patients in problem solving, and to help them create a plan and hope for their future.
Markers, crayons, colored pencils
Give patient a copy of the mountain and valley
Allow patients to color the picture
Underneath the picture, instruct patients to
write a short description of a time when they were in a valley (a hard time)
and how they were able to overcome it (climb the mountain) and how they felt
once they overcame that trial.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
The Face I Wear for the World
Another activity submitted by Heidi Bolster, CTRS.
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Markers, crayons, colored pencils
Blank face page outline
Have a discussion with patients regarding what
they openly portray about themselves to the world, and what they might hide
from others.
Talk about why some things are guarded while
others are left open for others to see
Give the patients the page and have them
complete the following:
What is most important to you (use pictures and
Are you guarded around others or open (use
colors to portray this)
How do you see life (decorate the eyes according
to how they see the world)
What do you listen to, what words effect you?
(decorate ears according to this)
What do you express (opinions, beliefs, etc.)-
decorate mouth according to this
The, on the back of the mask, have the patients
write down what they hide from the world/ what they don’t want others to see
Process what the patients put down on their
masks and talk about why we guard some things and are open about others
Talk about the benefit of sharing with those we
trust, but the importance of boundaries in doing so
Ask if there is anything the patients would like
to change about their “mask”, and if so, ask how they can take steps toward
those changes now
acute psych,
art therapy,
communication skills,
expressing emotions,
healthy relationships,
large group,
the domino effect
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Nature Collage
Thanks Heidi Bolster, CTRS for submitting this activity!
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Materials Needed: Construction paper, national geographic magazines, glue, markers, Scissors (if appropriate for the group)
Description: Have patients create a motivational collage using images from nature. Talk with patients about how nature can inspire, uplift, and help us with our physical, mental, spiritual, emotional etc. health. Talk about what images the patients chose and why, and discuss how nature can help them through hard times in their life.
acute psych,
art therapy,
coping skills,
expressing emotions,
healthy relationships,
large group,
Monday, June 17, 2013
Watercolor Trees
Thanks Heidi Bolster for this awesome activity! It works great with some of our lower functioning geriatric patients.
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Give each Pt. a copy of a silhouetted tree. Instruct the pts.
to water color the different sections of the tree (as divided by the branches),
into different colors. Allow the Pts. to use whatever colors and styles of
painting that they want in order to foster creativity and expression. If a Pt.
wants to add more detail, show them how to add texture to their painting
through different strokes and styles of painting.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
We've done Mosaics at our facility for such a long time! It's always so fun to see what the patients come up with!
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Give Pt. a coloring page of a more simplistic picture. Give
Pt. a stack of colored construction paper. Instruct Pt. to tear construction
paper into tiny pieces (no more than an inch long). Have Pt. glue small pieces
of paper one at a time to the coloring page to give the picture color.
does this relate to how small and simple things can build up to create
something positive in our lives?
you have examples in your life of when you were able to find “beauty from chaos”
or something positive from a seemingly negative situation?
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Mountains and Valleys (High Functioning)
Thanks Heidi Bolster for submitting another great art therapy activity! See here for a version adapted to a lower functioning group!
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This activity is to assist patients in problem solving, and to help them create a plan and hope for their future.
Markers, crayons, colored pencils
Instruct patients to draw a mountain and a
Discuss with patients how we have mountains and
valleys in our lives
Have patients think of the valley they are in
and the mountain they are climbing
Have patients write or draw pictures on their
drawing to describe this mountain and valley they are currently dealing with
Above the mountain instruct patients to write
down coping skills, names of people who can help them, and beliefs they have
that will help them climb their mountain
*Extra: instruct patients to draw a path from
the valley floor to the top of the mountain and along the path have them write
down steps they plan to take to reach the top.
Discuss drawings with patients throughout this
activity (step by step) and help patients to see options where they may feel
effort is useless.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Tissue Paper Trees
Heidi Bolster, CTRS submitted this art therapy activity. It's a lot of fun and great for fine motor skills.
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Give each patient a blank piece of paper. Instruct the
patients to draw the outline of a tree with whatever style of trunk they desire
(You can instruct them to design it according to their personality i.e. Make a
twisted trunk if they are a complicated person, or a straight branch if they
are sure of themselves etc.). Then allow the patients to color in the trunk and
branches of their tree. After they are done, allow patients to tear tine pieces
of tissue paper of whatever colors they choose to create the leaves for their
tree. Instruct the patients to glue the leaves on their tree.
*If you have a significantly low functioning patient, you
can print out a picture of a tree, have them color it, and assist them in
gluing on the tissue paper.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Sensory Hands
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submitted by Cynthia Soucy, CTRS of Harborside Healthcare Willowson April 30, 2005
Size: any size, but preferably no larger than 14
Equipment: washcloths, lotion
(regular from facility or sometimes I use aroma therapy lotion from Bath and
Body Works), music for calming and relaxation, a basin, warm water, and small
garbage bags, Purel
Objective: Objective is to calm the
patients down in the morning after breakfast and treatment and for more
individualized attention.
Description: The activity is simple
but rewarding. At my facility I do this on Tuesdays and Thursdays with my
dementia patients. This was started by one of my co-workers.
Put on the music in a private room, preferably a room with a sink.
Next fill up a large basin with very warm water. Put in your washcloths to get them nice and warm. Place one of the garbage bags next to the basin/sink for used washcloths.
Then, one patient at a time, take a washcloth and cover the persons hands for about a minute. You will instantly see their faces relax. I also use this time to orient them to what day it is. Put the used washcloth into the "garbage" bag. Then put lotion on the patients hands and give them a hand massage. If you are using the aroma therapy lotion, allow them to smell it. I like the relaxation or awakening lotions because they really seem to have a good effect on the patients mood.
Continue this until all of the patients are taken care of, and then return them to the activity room. Make sure to wash your hands between each patient or use Purel! It is all about infection control. Also have fun!
Put on the music in a private room, preferably a room with a sink.
Next fill up a large basin with very warm water. Put in your washcloths to get them nice and warm. Place one of the garbage bags next to the basin/sink for used washcloths.
Then, one patient at a time, take a washcloth and cover the persons hands for about a minute. You will instantly see their faces relax. I also use this time to orient them to what day it is. Put the used washcloth into the "garbage" bag. Then put lotion on the patients hands and give them a hand massage. If you are using the aroma therapy lotion, allow them to smell it. I like the relaxation or awakening lotions because they really seem to have a good effect on the patients mood.
Continue this until all of the patients are taken care of, and then return them to the activity room. Make sure to wash your hands between each patient or use Purel! It is all about infection control. Also have fun!
Friday, June 7, 2013
Thursday, June 6, 2013
The "Um" Game
Brinda Green, CTRS also found this activity for our facility, but it was originally submitted by Anna Mallard (Activity Therapist at New Hope for Children - Jedburg, SC).
A small bag of random, familiar items
-Sitting in a circle, have each individual take turns describing an item given to them from the bag. The person has one minute to describe the item.
-If the person says the word "um" or pauses for more than five seconds, they will sit down and wait until the next round to participate.
-If the person successfully describes the item, he/she will receive a point.
-Peers will be encouraged to use the horn/buzzer or make a buzzer sound if they hear "um" or count five seconds of silence.
There are several different ways to process this activity:
-Anxiety/public speaking
-Listening Skills
-Expand vocabulary
A small bag of random, familiar items
-Sitting in a circle, have each individual take turns describing an item given to them from the bag. The person has one minute to describe the item.
-If the person says the word "um" or pauses for more than five seconds, they will sit down and wait until the next round to participate.
-If the person successfully describes the item, he/she will receive a point.
-Peers will be encouraged to use the horn/buzzer or make a buzzer sound if they hear "um" or count five seconds of silence.
There are several different ways to process this activity:
-Anxiety/public speaking
-Listening Skills
-Expand vocabulary
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
The Butterfly Circus
The Butterfly
“The greater the struggle, the more
glorious the triumph.”
Watch the short film “The Butterfly
Circus” with patients (23 minutes).
Afterwards discuss the film with the patients and talk about overcoming
obstacles to find joy in life.
Depending on the theme of the day, this
video can be used for either Finding Joy in Life or Knowing Myself. Adapt the questions to meet the theme and the
needs of the group.
Some questions to consider:
character do identify with the most?
does will believe about himself at the beginning of the film? At the end?
you experienced something that changed how you view yourself, for better or for
worse? What was it? Explain…
challenges have you had to overcome in your life?
does the ringmaster of the Butterfly Circus represent to you?
you ever known anyone like the ringmaster?
Who? How has that affected your
can we change what is negative in our lives?
can we find joy in life, even amid depression and other difficulties?
can you help others change their lives for the better?
acute psych,
coping skills,
grief and loss,
healthy relationships,
large group,
social skills,
the domino effect
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